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Shrubs Bulbs

Perennials and shrubs are propagated from our own stock plants, most prefer an open aspect and good drainage and are hardy at 500 feet here in Mid Wales. Availability: please phone or e mail to check if a plant is in stock.

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Acidanthera murielae (AGM) (Gladiolus murielae) Sweetly scented white flowers with a purple blotch 1m high autumn. Lift corms in autumn.

Aconitum hemsleyanum Climbing monkshood, dark blue hooded flowers.

Acorus gramineus Ogon Fans of narrow green and yellow striped leaves, marginal or aquarium plant.

Adenophora pereskiifolia pale blue campanula flower spikes late summer < 1 m.

Aegopodium podagraria Variegata Variegated ground elder, pretty but determined.

Agapanthus campanulatus Deciduous, glossy strap shaped leaves, big round flower heads late summer, pale blue, sometimes white.

Agapanthus Streamline Deciduous, compact habit.

Amaryllis belladonna (AGM) Stout stems bear pink trumpet flowers in autumn, rich green leaves follow; needs full sun, good drainage and a rich soil.

Ampelodesmos mauritanica pampas like flower heads 2 m height late summer.

Angelica hispanica Dwarf habit, strikingly glossy leaves, globular flower heads.

Anthemis punctata cupaniana (AGM) Silver green lacy foliage, large but compact white /yellow daisy flowers, dwarf and indispensable.

Anthriscus Raven's Wing dark purple leaved form of cow parsley.

Anthyllis vulneraria Coccinea Red flowered Kidney Vetch for wild gardens.

Antirrhinum braun-blanquetii

Antirrhinum hispanicum Grey leaves and loosely creeping stems, creamy snapdragon flowers, fairly hardy for an antirrhinum.

Artemisia lactiflora Guizhou Group. Spikes of white flowers from purple brown divided leaves.

Artemisia ludoviciana latiloba Silver green foliage with sharply divided leaf tips, spreading habit.

Aruncus aethusifolius Finely divided astilbe like foliage, dwarf white flower spikes and good autumn colour.

Aruncus sylvester Also astilbe like but tall and robust to 1.2 m, white flowers.

Arundinaria pygmaea Dwarf bamboo of robust and spreading habit.

Arundinaria viridistriata Spreading, but politely so, yellow and green leaves to 1 m height.

Asphodeline lutea narrow grey green leaves and fragrant yellow flower spoike early summer. 1m. Said to clothe Hades' meadows.

Aster frikartii Lilac, yellow centred, disease resistant Michaelmas daisy.

Aster divaricatus White flowers and black, wiry stems.

Astrantia major Rubra Bright green lobed foliage, purple red pincushion flowers.

Astrantia Sunningdale Variegated Smart cream and green lobed foliage.

Athyrium filix-femina (AGM) Elegant, deciduous Lady Fern

Brachyelytrum japonicum Tall perennial grass with open panicles and ‘v’ shaped spikelets.

Canna Lucifer, dwarf(ish), red/yellow flowers.

Carex comans Dense evergreen clumps of narrow leaves variably coloured yellow-green / brown, grows naturally on moist grassland.

Carex elata Aurea Bowles' Golden Sedge.

Carex pendula Tall sedge with stout evergreen leaves and brown pendulous flowers heads.

Centranthus ruber Reddish pink form of Valerian, tolerates dry soil

Chamerion angustifolium Album White flowered form of rosebay willowherb, best kept in the wild garden but a cheerful thug.

Chionochloa conspicua Robust clump forming grass, like pampas grass but more elegant open panicles of creamy flowers.

Chlidanthus fragrans sweet scented tender dwarf yellow lily-like bulb

Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium Divided silvery leaves, white and yellow daisy flowers, dried flowers are used to make pyrethrum.

Convallaria Bordeaux a vigorous form of Lily of the valley, to 25 cm

Crambe maritima (AGM) Sea Kale, wavy glaucous leaves and heads of honey scented flowers.

Crambe cordifolia (AGM) Large long stalked corrugated foliage and huge open white flower heads.

Crinum powelli (AGM) Large umbels of funnel shaped, rose coloured, fragrant flowers, 1.2 m. hardiest of its typs, AGM.

Crocosmia Lucifer AGM)

Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff Robust with dark foliage and bright red yellow stamened semi double flowers.

Dahlia Nuit d'Ete cactus usually near black flowers

Echinacea purpurea Magnus (AGM) Intense red, wide horizontal petals 100 cm. Long lasting cut flower

Epilobium angustifolium f. album White form of rosebay willowherb, showy but somewhat rampant.

Eragrostis curvula Dense, arching clumps of inrolled leaved. One sided dark flowers late summer. Drought tolerant

Eryngium alpinum (AGM) Sea Holly. Bright green heart shaped leaves, steel blue dome shaped flower heads surrounded by a skirt of much divided softly spiny bracts.

Eupatorium purpureum Impressively tall, stout stemmed perennial with flattened heads of purple flowers in summer.

Euphorbia characias wulfenii Regular cylindrical branches of fleshy grey leaves topped with heads of yellow flowers with crimson centres.

Euphorbia robbiae Dwarf, fast spreading evergreen ground cover spurge with yellow flowers.

Fargesia murieliae Tall, non invasive clump forming, small leaved bamboo.

Gaura lindheimeri Late summer racemes of pinky white open petalled flowers, willowy habit to 1+ m.

Gentiana asclepidaea (AGM) 'Willow gentian’ arching stems bear pairs of blue flowers in early autumn. Need a humus rich moist soil in partial or full shade.

Geranium cantabrigense Purple flowered ground cover with persistent, aromatic foliage.

Geranium endressii Dwarf habit and pink flowers.

Geranium himalayense Plenum “Informal and slightly muddled double flowers unfolding lavender-purplish in May June” GR

Geranium Johnson’s Blue Finely divided leaves, violet, cup shaped open flowers.

Geranium Kashmir Purple Finely divided leaves, narrow purple petals.

Geranium Kashmir White (AGM) Finely divided leaves, white flowers with dark veins.

Geranium macrorrhizum Album Fleshy rhizomes and leaves- strongly aromatic. White flowers.

Geranium magnificum (AGM) Purple rounded flowers.

Geranium riversleaianum Mavis Simpson long flowering semi evergree sprawling ground cover, rose pink flowers with magenta veins.

Geranium P. Vapelle G. renardii hybrid.

Geranium pyrenaicum Album Rounded leaves, lax flowering stems, five petalled white flowers, self seeds freely.

Geranium pyrenaicum Bill Wallis Rounded leaves and lax purple flower heads.

Gladiolus communis subsp.byzantinus (AGM) beautiful purple flowers in June. More or less hardy, liked by mice.

Gladiolus callianthus (Acidanthera) strongly fragrant white stars with carmine blotch, September, half hardy

Gladiolus papilio Yellowish green flowers suffused purple. Almost hardy.

Glyceria aquatica Variegata Enthusiastic variegated grass. Tolerates dry soil, romps in wet.

Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus (=flava) (AGM) Sweetly scented yellow day lily. “The flowers are a beautiful lily shape, with recurving petals of clear and lovely yellow, and have an unforgettable fragrance” GST

Hosta sieboldii Large rounded,blue green leaves and white flowers

Humulus lupulus Aureus (AGM) Golden Hop. Herbaceous twining climber.

Inula magnifica Robust yellow daisy with long wavy ray florets.

Iris chrysographes (AGM) Dark blue flowers verging on black 'delicately marked with gold, like a true samite (GS Thomas), free flowering, early summer, 45 cm high, avoid dry soils,

Iris foetidissima (AGM) Evergreen lance shaped leaves, curious blue-yellow flowers followed by sealing wax berries. Odd smell but very tolerant of dry shade.

Iris pseudacorus Variegata (AGM) Variegated water iris, a substantial plant for bold effect.

Iris unguicularis Algerian Iris with mauve flowers in mid winter, needs a good baking in summer.

Juncus effusus f.spiralis Corkscrew rush

Koeleria glauca tufts of spikey blue grey foliage to 40 cm with silvery green flowers, good for hot dry sites.

Lilium Garden Party Fragrant white oriental with yellow stripes

Lilium Mona Lisa Fragrant, pink 40 cm

Lilium pyrenaicum yellow turk's cap, prominant red anthers and questionable scent, 60 cm

Lilium Snow Trumpet Very Tall sweetly scented.

Linaria domani Carnforth Small mauve snapdragon flowers with surprisingly strong scent, mildly spreading.

Linaria purpurea Canon Went Pink form of the tall purple toadflax

Linaria vulgaris Toadflax, showy yellow snapdragon flowers, somewhat rampant if grown without competition.

Liriope muscari Evergreen grassy leaves and late flowering purple flower spikes, ’Perennial Grape Hyacinth’

Lotus corniculatus Bird's foot trefoil for wild areas or grassland.

Luzula nivea Rows of hairs give appearance of variegation to this wood rush which is tolerant of dry soils.

Matteuccia struthiopteris Shuttlecock fern. Rhizomatous habit gives large, regularly patterned groups. Tolerates a variety of conditions except dry shade.

Meconopsis cambrica Welsh poppy, flat yellow (occasionally orange) flowers tolerant of shade and competition from grass.

Melica ciliata Tufted perennial to 50 cm + Cream, pipe-cleaner like panicles

Milium effusum Aureum (AGM) Bowles’ Golden Grass. Wide yellow leaves goes green in shade, pleasantly self seeding.

Miscanthus Morning Light Subtle variegated stripes, 1.2 m tall

Nerine bowdenii (AGM) Heads of delicate, pink trumpets late in year, given a summer baking.

Nerine Codora Red umbels

Oenothera sulphurea (odorata) Elegant evening primrose yellow /apricot flowers. red and green lancelot leaves.

Papaver orientale ex Royal Wedding White crinkly petals with a black centre.

Paspalum quadrifarium Densely clumped leaves, tightly packed brown flowers spikes late summer.

Pelargonium Bird Dancer Delicate zoned and lobed leaves, dwarf dainty narrow pink petals.

Pelargonium Crimson Unique

Penstemon Andenken an Friedrich Hahn Dark, narrow leaves, slim, garnet red flowers.

Penstemon Blackbird Purple flowers, vigorous.

Penstemon Evelyn (AGM) Narrow, serrate leaves, shocking pink slender flowers.

Penstemon Hidcote Pink (AGM) Softer pink flowers with white striped throat.

Penstemon Maurice Gibbs (AGM) Large magenta flowers with white throat

Penstemon Thorn Pink flowers with a white base.

Penstemon White Bedder (AGM) Compact habit, pure white flowers usually.

Penstemon Whitethroat Carmine red flowers with white throat but no stripes.

Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian sage, unbranched silver stems, grey green serrated leaves and spikes of velvety mauve flowers.

Phlomis russeliana (AGM) Bold felted leaves , whorls of yellow hooded flowers and long lasting seed heads.

Physostegia virginiana Variegata Cream and green leaves, spikes of purple flowers.

Plantago Rosularis Ancient plantain; dense congested flower heads for flower arrangers.

Polystichum setiferum Acutilobum group Elegant wavy fronds bear plantlets along their length.

Primula elatior Oxlip, primrose sized flowers on cowslip like heads.

Primula veris

Pulmonaria angustifolia Bright blue flowered lungwort.

Rudbeckia grandiflora Sundance Upright perennial 120 cm high, large drooping golden rays and spherical black-brown cones.

Salvia uliginosa (AGM) Bog sage, pure blue flowers, tall perennial for mild, moist places.

Schizostylis pink Late flowering perennial with heads of round cup shaped flowers

Schizostylis red Dark reddish pink Kaffir lily.

Scrophularia aquatica variegata Large perennial with cream an green roughly textured leaves.

Sisyrinchium californicum Spiky leaves, yellow flowers.

Stipa arundinacea Open panicles of pink florets, leaves bronze up in autumn.

Stipa tenuissima Fine leaves and flowers spikes like pony tails move gracefully in the breeze.

Stipa lessingiana Rigid tubular fine leaves, open flower panicles.

Symphytum grandiflorum Robust ground cover Comfrey with cream flowers.

Symphytum grandiflorum variegatum Variegated comfrey.

Uncinia egmontiana Dwarf red leaved bronze flowered grass.

Valeriana phu Aurea Umbellifer with luminous yellow new leaves.

Verbena bonariensis (AGM) Tall, rigid habit, numerous purple flower heads.

Yucca filamentosa Clumps of pointed leaves, large flowers spikes, scented, tower over the foliage in late summer.

Abelia schumanii Glossy leaved semi evergreen shrub to 1.5 m, leaves bronze when young. 5 lobed tubular mauve flowers with pink bracts.

Aucuba japonica All green, richly glossy leaves and large red berries – if a friend is nearby.

Buddleia fallowiana Alba (AGM) Grey foliage and white flowers; dislikes cold wet winters.

Buddleia x weyeriana Cross between B. davidii and B. globosa, apricot flowers with darker centres, good scent.

Buxus sempervirens Suffruticosa (AGM) Dwarf edging box, neat bright green foliage.

Buxus sempervirens Elegantissima Handsome variegated box with small cream green leaves and dense habit.

Buxus sempervirens Latifolia Robust drought tolerant evergreen with large dark green rounded foliage.

Buxus sempervirens Aureovariegata Large box with golden variegation

Callistemon citrinus crimson bottlebrush early summer 1.5 m, avoid frosty locations

Ceanothus thrysiflorus var. repens (AGM) Evergreen, blue flowers wide spreading dense shrub.

Ceratostigma griffithii A tender shrubby blue flowered 60 cm high with blue flowers and red autumn tints.

Chimonanthus praecox syn. fragrans Wintersweet: sweetly scented pale yellow flowers found on mature plants in late winter. Best on a sunny wall.

Cistus corbariensis Sun loving aromatic evergreen shrub with masses of flat yellow centred white flowers.

Citrus x meyeri Lemon, reliably heavy crops of well flavoured fruit follow fragrant flowers. Always in flower or fruit, overwinter under glass.

Clematis cirrhosa balearica Three lobed evergreen foliage, chunky cream flowers with solid bunches of stamens and purple spots. Flowers very early in the year. Cut blooms reveal a '…citrous fragrance which is both astringent and sweet' (Christopher Lloyd)

Clematis flammula Late flowering, vigorous scrambler with scented white flowers.

Clematis potaninii Summer flowering climber, white sepals and golden stamens.

Clematis x jouiana Vigorous scrambler with silver lilac flowers in late summer.

Convolvulus sabatius (AGM) Trailing spreading habit, silver blue trumpet shaped flowers summer long. Overwinter under glass.

Cornus capitata Bentham’s Cornell, tall dogwood with yellow bracts, frost hardy (-5ºC).

Crataegus prunifolia (AGM) Small wide spreading tree with white flowers,big dark red berries, fine autumn colour… and long long thorns.

Daphne mezereum Spike of purple, heavily scented flowers late winter followed by red berries, upright habit.

Daphne mezereum f. alba Mezereon with white scented flowers and yellow berries.

Daphne tangutica (AGM) Rounded evergreen shrub to 1.2 m, glossy leaves, creamy purple flowers with strong scent followed by red berries.

Dorycnium hirsutum (Lotus hirsutus). Loose evergreen sub shrub with silver grey foliage and silvery pink flowers.

Drimys winteri (AGM)Substantial shrub or small tree with large lance shaped glossy foliage and golf ball sized white flower heads.

Eccremocarpus scaber fast growing evergreen tendriled climber with tubular orange-red flowers summer. Avoid cold locations.

Elaeagnus Dicksonii Handsome variegations.

Erica arborea var. alpinum Tree Heath. Tall spring flowered heather, long cylindrical flower heads.

Erica Irish Salmon Bushy evergreen to 90 cm, flowers late winter.

Escallonia Apple Blossom (AGM) Tall, dense growing evergreen with small leaves and soft pink flowers in summer.

Euonymus europaeus Wild spindle tree, evergreen stems and unlikely colour to the fruit.

Ficus Brown Turkey

Fuchsia magellanica Tricolor hardy fuchsia with smallcrimson flowers and grey gren and pink leaves.

Genista tinctoria Dyer's greenweed; deciduous shrub to 1 m with bright green lance shaped leaves and golden yellow flowers early summer

Hebe ochracea James Stirling (AGM) A whipcord hebe with ocherous leaves

Hebe rakaiensis Dense growing small evergreen with fresh green leaves and white flower spikes.

Hebe recurva Grey pointed leaves, dark stems, neat black and white flower buds open white.

Hebe Red Edge Grey finger nail sized leaves with a discreet red edge.

Hebe pinguifolia Sutherlandii Solid small sea green leaves and white flowers dense habit makes good space filler.

Hedera algeriensis Large leaved ivy

Ilex aquifolium Angustifolia Narrow, scalloped leaves

Ilex aquifolium Pyramidalis Fairly narrow in habit and hermaphrodite.


Lonicera japonica Halliana semi evergreen enthusiastic climber, cream flowews which turning biscuit have glorious scent later in the year.

Lupinus arboreus white/blue form

Jasminum humile Revolutum (AGM) Summer flowering evergreen jasmine, delicate yellow flowers on a 2 m high and wide plant.

Juniperus communis compressa (AGM) One of the slowest; fine leaves narrow habit, good steely colour.

Magnolia sieboldii Large shrub or small spreading trees. Pendulous white saucer shaped flowers with a red centre and a fresh scent followed by red berries.

Myrtus apiculata Myrtle with small rounded leaves and lax habit

Myrtus communis Myrtle- large evergreen shrub , small white flowers autumn.

Myrtus communis Variegata Cream and green privet like leaves

Myrtus communis tarentina (AGM)compact narrow leaved myrtle, neat habit

Osmanthus x burkwoodii very large, dense evergreen shrub with unexciting privet like leaves but a magnificent scent from small white flowers in late spring.

Rosa Nozomi Small angular stemmed, neat leaves pink flowered lax shrub


Rosa Pompon de Paris Climbing Climbing form up to 2 metres, semi double pink flowers.

Sarcococca confusa (AGM)Small glossy leaved shrub with heavily scented white flowers in winter, black berries.

Taxus Repens Aurea (AGM) Wide spreading but low growing, gold-green leaves.

Teucrium fruticans Long white square stems, grey green opposite leaves, mauve flowers.

Viburnum tinus Eve Price Compact (but still vigorous) winter flowering evergreen.


Bulbs [spring 2008]

Tulipa Red Georgette

Tulipa clusiana cynthia

Tulipa humilis Odalisque

Narcissus cyclamineus Little Witch

Narcissus cyclamineus Tete a Tete

Narcissus jonquilla Sweetness

Narcissus Little Gem

Crocus ancyrensis

Crocus vernus Vanguard

Anemone blanda White Splendour

Anemone The Governor

Galanthus ellwesii

Galanthus wornowii

Iris reticulata Harmony

Eranthis hyemalis


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